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Club AGM Results

The Club held it’s first Official AGM on Sunday, 21st May, 2023. There were plenty of new additions to The Committee and lot’s of positivity.

The AGM, Chaired by Bryn Davies (Club Chairman) and Mark Whitehouse (Club Secretary) welcomed all of those present on the evening.

Both stepped down from their roles, for the Nominees of all future positions on The Committee to be announced, voted on and agreed in full.

The evening went very well, seeing many new names and positions added to the Clubs structure.
The Club Committee was revealed as follows:

Club ChairmanBryn Davies
Vice ChairmanKristian Rock
Club SecretaryMark Whitehouse
Assistant SecretaryIan Hannis
Club TreasurerMark Whitehouse
Club Welfare OfficerLaura White
Commercial/Marketing OfficerBryn Davies
Media OfficerJason Sola
Disability OfficersIan Hannis
Jim McGettrick
Development OfficersIan Hannis
Jim McGettrick
Club AmbassadorJason Sola
General Committee MemberSpencer Machin
General Committee MemberDavid Steatham
General Committee MemberJohn Coleman
General Committee MemberShaun Nash

For Season 2023/24, the Club has seen a significant growth with additional teams joining and more Community based Football Development projects being announced. The list of Managers and teams can be seen below:

U8 MercianDane Morgan
U10 MercianIan Hannis
U10 CWYFLIan Hannis
U11 MJPLStacy Coldicott
U11 CWYFLJohn Graham
U12 CWYFLJohn Coleman
U12 CWYFLMike Gaffney
U14 MJPLJae Martin-White
U14 CWYFLJae Martin-White
U15 CWYFLMark Whitehouse
AdultsSpencer Machin
DevelopmentJim McGettrick
Wildcats (Girls Development)Jim McGettrick
Comets DisabiltyJim McGettrick
Ian Hannis
Adults DisabiltyHarley Hetherington

As people will see, the Club has more than doubled in just over 1 full season of football. This is an incredible achievement. Everyone who plays a part and gives up their valuable time should be very proud of where we find ourselves today.

Within the AGM, it was also reiterated that the Club has a 96 team tournament on June 10/11, 2023 at Hopwood which is fully booked and a great advert for the Club and all of its teams.

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